Below are the most frequently asked questions, you can find your answer here.
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Quem é a A. Tavares & Martins?
De empresas para outras empresas, em que o seu trabalho é focado na venda de Peles, para fabrico de diversos materiais.
Sale to the public?
A. Tavares & Martins idealises their Leathers sell to other Companies
The raw material comes mainly from what countries?
On an average, 98% of the raw materials with which they work comes from countries such as, in particular, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Egypt and Italy.
How long is in this line of work?
A. Tavares & Malik is a company consolidated in the market for 30 years.
What are the main factors that set us apart from the competition?
The quality service that A. Tavares & Martins develops next to potential customers, the variety and the ability to stock, are the factors that differ from others, always trying to meet the needs of those looking for, which is reflected on customer loyalty.